Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pisgah 50K

Pisgah was my 1st 50K. I'd love to sit here and write all about it but I have no time. I have no idea where people find the time to write all these stories and race reports. Between work and taking care of a baby I have no time to write anything, esp. with a baby that never seems to want to sleep.
Pisgah was awesome!! I was 28th overall and ran 5:28:34. I will take that time and place no questions asked!! My longest run for the race was 12 miles (while pushing anna in baby stroller) My longest week was maybe 25 miles. I just cant get in the long mileage weeks with my work schedule. I was however lifting more at work so maybe that with the combination of pushing anna helped.
I felt great in the race up until mile 25. Then my legs started to fold. I could feel the twitching in my calves start and I knew I was in trouble. Before that I was great. I ran a steady 9:30 pace and pretty much ran the first 26 miles. Took 8 hammergels and drank 2 liters of water and ate lots of M&M's at the aid stations. After mile 25 my pace went way down. Otherwise I was pysched and would like to do another one but on some serious training and see what would happen.
Mom also ran her first 50K and my dad ran the 25K. It was a whole family affair. Sheila and Anna watched!!!

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